Research project:
Identify place in Czech Republic
Research ancestors in Moravia


Dear Johann,
It is difficult to express in words how very happy I am with the work you have done. I am deeply grateful for your meticulous, thorough, and comprehensive research. You have done a wonderful job despite the difficulties (imprecise name, wrong region, and so many villages with the same name).
Your research has opened up a whole new chapter in our family history. It is an achievement we really did not think was possible. Thank you so much for it! We now have lots to contemplate.
B. V., Latvia

Research project:
Search for documents to regain
Austrian citizenship


Dear Johann,
This is truly an amazing find. I don’t think we could have ever found all this without your help. This is truly amazing — I am very grateful! Beyond my citizenship application, it also means a lot to know more about the lives of my Austrian family.
Grace B., VA, USA


Portrait in the weekly newspaper "DIE ZEIT" - issue of 28 March 2019 (in German)


Article in the "insights" magazine - issue 1/2018
Publisher: ICARUS International Center for Archival Research

Research project:
Research ancestors in Silesia
searching Catholic church registers


Dear Johann,
What a remarkable job! You have exceeded expectations. I appreciate your efforts and the detailed report you submitted. I have already updated the family tree on and I will also update many descendants here in Texas.
Nick G., TX, USA

Research project:
Research ancestors in Carinthia searching
Catholic church registers
Search for WWI military records in the
Austrian War Archives


Thank you very much again for your thorough research and professional presentation of your findings. The quality of your work is very impressive and highly appreciated as always! You have exceeded my expectations with your findings! I know that as we have moved further down the family tree it was going to be harder and harder to find relatives, but you have delivered again. My family tree is now bigger because of your help! I am so very happy with what you have found and provided!
Thanking you again Johann for your amazing work, the information and documentation you have found is priceless and will live on, archived for future generations. I look forward to hearing from you again!
Steven I., Queensland, Australia

Feedback on the YouTube tutorial
“Genealogy in Austria”


Thank you, Johann!
I am amazed at all of the information you have been able to provide! I finally understand why I have been having a difficult time finding further information on my great grandmother. Thanks so much!
Monique S., PA, USA

Research project:
Search for basic service sheets of ancestors
who served in the k.k. Army 


Thank you very much for your explanations. I am impressed by your vast knowledge. I thank you for all help during this year and hope for good cooperation next year.
Karl E., Lund, Sweden

Research project:
Name distribution in Austria
Analysis and visualization with maps and graphics


Hello Johann!
I am extremely happy with this report, and work you have done!!!  You are a real professional, for sure.
Roy S., PA, USA

Research project:
Research ancestors in Styria
searching Catholic church registers


Amazing! I am completely impressed by your thoroughness and presentation. I am still digesting this information, and am very excited to know this much more about my origins.
You stated in the report that you assess that more information could be found using additional research hours, so I would like to make this purchase. Same focus: identifying the ancestors of Eva as far back as documentation allows for.
Larry D., HI, USA

Research project:
Research family history in Vienna
utilizing various sources


We are so pleased with the results of your research! It was so frustrating to know nothing of Adele’s family, and you gave us a wonderful gift of remembrance of her.
If you ever need a reference - especially for someone in the US looking for information on their Austrian family - please let us know. I would love to let them know what a wonderful job you did for us, and that we give you the highest possible recommendation.
Diana L., MI, USA

Research project:
Research family history in Vienna
utilizing various sources


Thank you for the research you did.
It is amazing what you found out and I realise I wouldn't have known where to start.
I know I was a little impatient but I have been wanting to find this information for so so long so thank you again.
Sam H., London, UK

Research project:
Research for descendants in Vienna
utilizing various sources


Wonderful – fantastic work, Johann!
Thank you so much.
A. G.,, USA/Canada

Research project:
Research ancestors in Tyrol
searching Catholic church registers


Hi Johann,
Thank you very much for your excellent work! I really appreciate how easy it is to follow your research. Everything is laid out very clearly. I was also impressed by how well you managed to make sense of unreadable handwriting. 🙂 So I am very content and grateful for your efforts. The research was a great Christmas gift for my mother.
Annika B., Skåne län, Sweden

Research project:
Research ancestors in Upper Austria
searching Protestant and Catholic church registers


Dear Johann,
Thank you very much for all you have come up with.  You present the material in such an organized format.  I appreciate your explanations of both your research plan and of the details that you discovered.  You are amazing!
Beverly B., AZ, USA

Research project:
Research ancestors in Upper Austria
Search for possible descendants


Thank you so much for sending this through so quickly.  I haven’t had a chance to look through it all properly yet but I’ve had a glance I’m fascinated and sure it will help me identify the people in the photos.
We are so excited to be visiting Austria, even more so now!  I can’t tell you how happy I am that I got in touch with you.
Kim L., Hampshire, UK

Research project:
Translating/Deciphering of
church records


Dear Johann, I just want to say a massive thank you to you, for your amazing work you have produced for me! You have made it even easier for me by choosing to translate everything into English! And all the information is set out in such a professional manner! I am so happy! You are a bloody legend mate!!!
You have allowed me to further my family research, where I thought impossible and this is fantastic. I would love to continue using your services in the future without hesitation.
In any case, thank you again for your efficiency of time, work and impeccable professionalism with my family history. It is highly appreciated. I will be in touch and I will refer your services to anyone who is of need of them.
Steven I., Queensland, Australia

Research project:
Research ancestors in Lower Austria
Genealogy tour to Lower Austria


Thank you for the most memorable day in Austria. I will always remember it.
Kathy L., NY, USA

Research project:
Identification of origin
Research in Protestant church registers


Dear Johann,
You are amazing!!!!!!!  I love it!  You have accomplished more in 5 hours than I have in years.  Thank you!!!!
Would you be willing to see what could be found in another 5 hours of your labors?  I'd be interested in learning about siblings of these people, and any family info farther back, on any of the lines.
Beverly B., AZ, USA

Research project:
Genealogical research to verify
possible orphaned ancestors
Research in Carinthian church registers


Dear Johann,
Your work is amazing! We are so touched and thrilled to have this information. From the bottom of our hearts thank you so much for all the effort and work you put into this research project. we are looking to do further research if you are willing. Please let us know how you feel about this.
We are still digesting all of this great information and will return with more questions if you have time to do more research.
Mindy R., MN, USA

Research project:
Research ancestors in Austria,
Hungary and Moravia


Dear Johann,
The family are very grateful for all the work you have done on our Austrian family tree. You have done a brilliant job in researching this for us. We would never have been able to find out any of this information without your help!
Linda J., Wellington, New Zealand

Research project:
Identification of birthplace
using historical newspapers
Genealogical research in Moravian church registers


Dear Johann,
I was delighted to receive your research report today. Thank you very much! I can hardly wait to share it with family members as they, too, will be delighted. I am so happy that you found two generations beyond my great grandfather.
In the fall I would like to engage you do additional research to find the births of the children of my great grandparents and perhaps information on the xxx family.
Many thanks again for your excellent report.
Linda J., Wellington, New Zealand

Research project:
Search for information on ancestor
who served in the k.k. Army
Research in the Austrian War Archives


Hello Johann,
I am more than satisfied with the results! I am so excited I can barely sit still!!! This has been the biggest brick wall in my family tree, and now I have something to go on!! I cannot thank you enough. You come highly recommended on your website, so I had a lot of faith in you, and you delivered!! Thank you so very much!!!!
Sandy F., NE, USA

Research project:
Identification of birthplace stated on passenger list
Genealogical research in Moravian church registers


You are the best!! You have given me more information in a few short days than I have been able to find in 25 years of research and for that I am extremely grateful!
Jessie F., PA, USA

Research project:
Research Jewish ancestors in the
Archives of the Jewish Community of Vienna


Dear Johann,
Many thanks for your work, I am very satisfied with the result and my mother-in-law will be absolutely delighted !!
I might be interested, in the future, for researches about their ancestors.
R. S., Brentford, UK

Research project:
Research artisans and artists
in various archives


Hi Johann,
Thank you for taking this on. It’s good to work with you.
Robert M., MO, USA

Research project:
Genealogical research and search for heirs in Austria


Thanks Johann,
You are awesome!
D. W.,, USA/Canada

Research project:
Research on further generations
and the relationship between families


Hi Johann,
I finally got to really look at your research report and other findings this afternoon. Wow! I am so excited to finally learn the connection between A. S. and K. S.! I am thrilled to have the additional information on the previous generations as well. This is very exciting, and I am very pleased with the research you have done for us. Thank you very much!
Nancy K., MN, USA

Research project:
Search for marriage and birth records
in Lower Austria


I wanted to send a special thank you for the research that you provided for me. It has broken down the brick wall that I was up against, and has answered a lot of questions I had about this line of my family!!
Sandy F., NE, USA

Research project:
Transcription and translation
of post cards handwritten in
Old German Script


You did great Johann,
Thank you very much. I really liked the way you took care of the translation of my old post cards. If I have further questions or more translation I will be contacting you again.
Karen C., WI, USA

Research project:
Identification of birthplace in Bohemia
Genealogical research in Bohemian church registers


Thank you so much for all the work you put into the report and the great presentaion of the facts you sent me.
Doreen S., WY, USA

Research project:
Identification of birthplace
using historical newspapers
Genealogical research in Bohemian church registers


Hi Johann,
Many thanks for your great research and report. Everything is perfectly understandable and very thoroughly presented. I am very satisfied with the results and would be glad to serve as a reference for your genealogy company if and when you wish.
William R., MD, USA

Research project:
Identification of birthplace
from passenger list
Genealogical research in Moravian church registers


Thank you so much!! My husband will be so thrilled that we were able to break through our stumbling blocks. It really means a lot to him, especially since his parents have passed away. I am so excited to give him this gift for Christmas. I am so pleased. Thanks again and have a wonderful holiday.
Susan O., VA, USA

Research project:
Search for living relatives
Genealogical tour and
family reunion in Lower Austria


We are home, safe and sound. Thank you again for your help - it was the highlight of our trip.
I want to thank you again for your wonderful contribution to what is one of the more memorable months in my lifetime.
Dave R., MA, USA

Research project:
Identification of birthplace
Research using Austrian and Hungarian church registers


Dear Johann,
I feel like a child on Christmas morning. What a treat!!
I am thrilled with the information that you provided. It was wonderful to get 3 more generations.
It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Once again, I thank you for all your assistance.
Danielle S., NJ, USA

Research project:
Research ancestors in Austria and Germany using
church registers and probate proceedings


Oh THANK YOU so much. I was so excited and thrilled to see the records. My sisters and I will now look at all the documents to see how we can fill out our family tree. If we need more information may I contract with you again please.
I looked at your web site and saw that you lead tours - I am very interested in a tour of any thing related to my mother. I would hope to be able to come to Austria in 2016 or 2017.
Again, thank you very much. My sisters and I were delighted with your results.
Susie M., CA, USA

Research project:
Research Jewish ancestors using Jewish registers in Austria and Czech Republic


I am impressed with the depth of your research and how many relatives you discovered.
Baron R., CA, USA

Research project:
Find wartime pal in Vienna


Living in Australia and having been asked by a dear friend who was born Amsterdam and lived there till his teens years before moving to Australia, to try and find a childhood pal who had holidayed with he and his family immediately after WWII. The lady searching for was from Vienna. With little other information other than her name, I discovered Johan Hammer online and asked could he help? Although not his area of expertise, he undertook to make initial investigations. Locating living people due to privacy is rather difficult, however to his credit and within a very short time Johann had located and spoken with the lady in question. She is still very much alive and interested in corresponding with her wartime pal, and thanks to Johann two war time friends have spoken on phone and have plans to meet in September. We highly recommend Johann for his professionalism, his promptness and caring during this search.
Jan O., Victoria, Australia

Research project:
Research ancestors in Austria and Czech Republic


This is fantastic. If you are interested in doing more research for me, I would be more than willing to have you do it. Let me know.
Thank you so much! I will look at this in detail when I arrive home tonight, but from what I can see, you opened up a lot of doors for me about my family.
Carol B., AZ, USA

Research project:
Search for living relatives
Family reunion in Vienna


That is excellent...actually, out of the blue, my brother and I have decided to fly to Vienna for Dad's last visit. We will try to catch up with them over the next few days...
Thank you so much...
Thank you so much for your help, it was great to catch up with people we hadn’t seen since 1974 and thought they were no longer with us.
You did a great service…thank you…
Franz S., WA, Australia

Research project:
Identification of birthplace using immigration documents
Research in Slovenia


Johann, this is just outstanding! Thank you for your hard work and time! My mother (84 years old) will just be overjoyed...I am in the process of buying a tombstone for VM and this will give me a birth date...Excellent! Thanks again for everything!
Randy W., AL, USA

Research project:
Identification of birthplace
Research in the Austrian War Archives


Hi Johann,
This is fantastic, thank so much for your research. Of course I had no idea XXX’s origins and the fact that he was born in Prag is amazing. I've traveled to Prag twice and if I had only known - incentive to travel back at least one more time. Thank you again so much for your efforts.
Rod L., CA, USA

Research project:
Research ancestors in Austria
Find living relatives


Thank you for all your work. It is like putting the pieces of a puzzle together.
Jeff J., TX, USA

Research project:
Research in Austrian and Bohemian church registers


Dear Johann:
Thank you so very much for all of this…I need to review it, but of course, I am very pleased with your report.
Georgett S., CA, USA